Before going to the topik i want ask you, do you know what is love?
Love is blessing that Allah has given for us because we can know affection.
there are many kind of love :
The first, we must love to Allah SWT by doing good thing and avoid the bad one
The second, we must love to our prophet by receiting sholawat. Ok i want to our listen shalawat and than let's together receiting shalawat ok !
Sholatullah salamuallah 'ala tohaa rasulillah ..
sholatullah salamullah 'ala yasin habibillah ... yes together :)
ok The third, we must love to our parents by doing whatever they ask, respect, and obey to them
The fourth, we must love to human being by communicating well.
So we must love to all of thing in this world. in order to our life will be peace and comfortable.
#MAAF kalo ada yang salah grammar atau sebagainya :v monggo koment aja ya pemirsah :) #Terima kasih
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